Yes you can. All you need to do is purchase a USER ID e.g TYRAWEB. With this your recipients will receive messages with your name.
Tyraweb does not at any single moment disclose your financial information to any entity. Our systems are secure and reliable.
Send cash to our Lipa Na Mpesa account Number 869820 using your MPESA
Once you have received your login information. On our website, please click “Sign In” on the Top bar and enter your ‘Email’ and ‘Password’. Please note that both the username and password are case sensitive and should be entered as sent on the welcome email
We believe on a fair pricing policy and do not cut our clients on buying power. Being a low-cost SMS service provider, our cost per 160 character SMS is KSh. 1.00 across all mobile networks in Kenya. Please feel free to get in touch with us.
We do not charge any setup fees for sending messages nor monthly fees or any other additional fees. We operate on a prepaid basis. The credits that you buy will stay in your account for 3 months from the purchase date after which they will expire. We also do not charge users for replying messages other than for premium rated shortcodes and network tariffs.
Of course. You can apply for an unlimited number of sender IDs.
There are several reasons that sender IDs may not pass our manual evaluation. The most common reason is that the sender ID has already been registered by another company. Other reasons may include inappropriate, offensive or obscene sender ID names. If you believe that your sender ID was rejected without reason, we recommend that you contact our support team or to submit the ID for approval again.
Security is a major concern for us and one of the key foundations of our corporate SMS solutions. Our web portal is secured with https and all our data is stored in restricted data centers across the world. We also mitigate security risks with multifactor SSO authentication, security monitoring, constant back-ups and 24/7 support.
Almost certainly. A huge number of sectors have successfully used enterprise SMS solutions. At Tyraweb we have corporate SMS partnerships with companies involved in retail, automotive, travel and tourism, delivery and logistics, entertainment and leisure, IT and hardware monitoring, customer services, events management, utilities, hotels, banks, hospitals, emergency services, and more.
We know every business is unique, so we’ll put together a bespoke plan that’s tailored to your needs. All the enterprise SMS features listed above are highly customizable and can be adapted to suit your business.
We’d love to share more information about our enterprise SMS solutions. Please contact us through our contact form, or call +254(0)729448966 to talk to a sales representative.
Tyraweb SMS offers a 100% prepaid service.
We don’t enter into price negotiations involving competitors. Instead, we offer the best quality service at a fair price.
From time to time our loyal customers can buy SMS credit with a discount. Tyraweb SMS notifies customers about promotions via email.